RWM2011 Policy and Grading
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        Policy and Grading
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  • Attendance and Responsibility

    Class attendance is mandatory. If you must miss a class for a legitimate reason please inform us early as possible so that we can plan appropriately and provide you with makeup materials. Due to the fact that the number of students in each class takes up the available chairs and equipment, you must attend the section in which you are enrolled. If you are sick one week please contact us about which section you should attend for makeup.

    Laptop Use

    Student laptops may not be open during lecture unless specifically requested by the instructors. Bring your laptop to every lab class.

    Grading Policy

    • 1/2 of your grade will be determined by your regular weekly assignments up until spring break (individual work).
    • 1/2 of your grade will be determined by the final project in the course (team project).

    Weekly Homework and Labs

    The best tip we have for doing well in the course is keeping up with the weekly assignments. The best way to do poorly is to not do the work. Labs are graded on a ten point scale. 9-10 is considered the A range, 8-9 B, 7-8 C, 6-7 D, below that is an F. There are no extensions unless approved by the instructors. We are reasonable people and will gladly grant extensions when you are sick or under other reasonable circumstances. Ninjas cannot grant extensions. Do not ask them.
    The final project will have intermediate deliverables that will constitute a fraction of the total final project grade.
    • Labs are due at the beginning of lab on the day that it is due.
    • Work should be submitted on via a dropbox on the public drive. We will announce the location in class.
    • Please write the approximate amount of time that you spent on each assignment so that we may monitor the pace of the class.

    Grading procedure

    Each lab will be graded twice. First it will be reviewed by one of the course instructors. They will not write detailed comments, but will check for timeliness, completeness, and make sure your results and analysis look reasonable. They will assign a low resolution grade of "good", "fair", "poor" or "zero". Due to the volume of labs, the instructors will not spend much time with each lab, but will give a quick check. The lab will then be more carefully reviewed and commented on by your ninja for the final grade. On the first review, a "good" means that your lab will likely fall in the 8-10 range. The "fair" means the lab will likely fall in the 7ish range. The "poor" means your lab will probably be below a 6. "Zero" means you turned nothing in.


    There are several student course assistants for this course that will help support you throughout the year. You will be required to meet with your assigned Ninja once a week.

    Collaboration Policy

    You are encouraged to work with others, but please turn in your own work. In general you will be required to take all your own data and do your own experiments. On some occasions you may need to work with a lab partner, but those assignments will be explicitly stated. Please write the names of people you collaborate with on each of the assignments that you turn in.

    The final project for the course will be team based.

    Jan 2013.